Web1 Web2 Web3: Comparison Between Web 1, Web 2 and Web 3

Web1 Web2 Web3: Eventually or not, the internet has become a part of our everyday lives as a whole. The web is enormous and is expanding as time goes on. Given how ubiquitous its use is, you may be familiar with every aspect of the web, but do you at least have a vague understanding that there are different types of the web?

Over time, the skylines have become wider thanks to the web, which has also taken on a variety of shapes that are all improved upon one another.

We will learn about the Web 1, Web 2, and Web 3 web ideas, technologies in this article today. Tim Berners-Lee created these ideas in 1989, and they have been used to organise the various tasks that have portrayed the web at various times.

=> According to Tim, the development of the web has since gone through the following stages:

Browse, if you will
Browse and write
Examine, create, and carry out

What is World Wide Web (WWW)?

The internet is a network of web-based information that enables users to share resources by connecting URLs to hyperlinks to create what is known as a web site.

The web has undergone viewpoint shifts over the course of its existence up to this point, which have advanced it. We should look into the many criteria that tech investigators have raised for such a long time.

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 refers to the primary stage of World Wide Web development. In Web 1.0, there were just a few content producers, and the majority of their customers were content consumers. Individual pages were common, typically made up of static web pages hosted on web servers provided by ISPs or by free web hosting services.

Web 1.0 limits the notices users can view while surfing the internet. Similar to Ofoto in Web 1.0, Ofoto is a website for advanced photography where users may store, share, view, and print digital images. Web 1.0 is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that allows websites to prominently display data snippets.

It might very well be used as a standalone website. The client is charged based on the pages seen.
It has registries that enable users to access a certain piece of data. Web 1.0 usually existed from 1991 until 2004.

Qualities found in Web 1.0:

  • It is made up of static pages linked to a framework through hyperlinks.
  • It contains elements from HTML 3.2 like casings and tables.
  • HTML structures facilitate email transmission.
  • The content originates from the server’s file system, not from a framework for managing social information bases.
  • GIF buttons and illustrations are highlighted.

If Web 1.0 consisted of a small number of people producing material for a larger audience, Web 2.0 would consist of many people producing considerably more content for an expanding audience. Web 1.0 focused on browsing, whereas Web 2.0 focused on participation and contribution.

Web 2.0

User-Generated Content (UGC), convenience, intuitiveness, and further improved similarity with various frameworks and devices are highlighted by this Internet structure. In Web 2.0, the end user’s perspective is key.

This Web architecture was therefore responsible for creating networks, cooperative endeavors, exchange, and virtual entertainment. Therefore, a substantial section of the current clientele views Web 2.0 as the fundamental type of web connection.

Web 2.0 is referred to as “the participatory social Web,” as Web 1.0 was referred to as “the read-just Web”. Web 2.0 is an upgraded version of its predecessor that combines web browser developments like JavaScript systems.

Following is a list of typical Web 2.0 characteristics:

  • It uses developed application programming interfaces and offers free data arranging, allowing users to fully recover and order information. It also contains dynamic content that responds to user feedback (API).
  • It encourages self-utilization and makes possible certain connections, such as:
    – Podcasting
    – Online Entertainment
    – Labeling
    – Participating in a blog Commenting
    – Organizing using RSS
    – Interpersonal communication over a distance
    – Democratic Web Content
  • It is used by society as a whole and is not just in explicit networks.

Right now, you’re employing Web 2.0.

Web 3.0

The most recent Web emphasis is the last to be discussed.

We want to look into what’s coming while trying to determine the authoritative web 3.0 relevance. Despite the fact that parts of Web 3.0 are already available, it still has a long way to go before it receives widespread acceptance.

Web 3.0, also referred to as Web3, is built on a foundation that includes the fundamental ideas of decentralisation, openness, and greater client usefulness. The “read-just Web,” or Web 1.0 The “participative social” era is Web 2.0. Web 3.0 stands for “read, compose, and execute”.

Clients move away from centralised stages like Facebook, Google, or Twitter and toward decentralised, nearly enigmatic stages as a result of this Web collaboration and utilisation stage. Tim Berners-Lee, a pioneer of the internet, originally referred to Web 3.0 as the Semantic Web and envisioned a clever, autonomous, and open Internet that used AI and machine learning to function as a “global mind” and interact with content carefully and appropriately.

Mechanical limitations prevented this glorified form from functioning properly, much like how expensive and difficult it is to convert human language into a format that computers can quickly understand.

Following is a list of typical Web 3.0 characteristics:

  • In a semantic web, web technology transforms into a tool that enables users to create, distribute, and interact with material through search and investigation. It depends more on word knowledge than on knowledge of numbers and watchwords.
  • It combines machine learning with artificial intelligence. If these concepts are combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP), the result is a computer that uses Web 3.0 to grow smarter and more attentive to user demands.
  • Through the Internet of Things, it displays a network of various devices and software (IoT). This cycle is made possible by semantic metadata, allowing for the effective use of all relevant data. Additionally, anyone can connect to the Internet whenever and wherever they choose without a computer or other sophisticated device.
  • Customers have the option of interacting openly or covertly without having a delegate expose them to risks, providing people with “trustless” information.
  • Three-dimensional designs are used. In reality, we already observe this in PC gaming, virtual interactions, and online commerce.
  • It operates through investment without needing authorization from a governing entity. It’s without authorization.

It might very easily be used for:
A virtual world that is given in 3D and is infinite.

Web1 Web2 Web3: Web 1 vs Web 2 vs Web 3

S.No.                         Web 1                                  Web 2                                              Web 3

  1.               Mostly Read-Only                        Wildly Read-Write                         Portable and Personal
  2.               Company Focus                           Community Focus                          Individual Focus
  3.               Home Pages                                 Blogs/Wikis                                   Live-streams/Waves
  4.               Owning Content                          Sharing Content                           Consolidating Content
  5.               Web Forms                                  Web Applications                          Smart Applications
  6.               Directories                                   Tagging                                         User behavior
  7.               Page Views                                  Cost Per Click                                User Engagement
  8.               Banner Advertising                      Interactive Advertising                  Behavioral Advertising
  9.               Britannica                                    Online Wikipedia                           The Semantic Web
  10.               HTML/Portals                               XML/RSS                                       RDF/RDFS/OWL
  11.         Data was not Focused.   Data of many was controlled by some mediatory.      Data was personalized and no use of mediatory.
  12. Information sharing is the goal.               Interaction is the goal.                  Immersion is the goal.
  13. It connects information as its primary goal.   It aims to connect people.    Focuses on relating knowledge.
  14. Static websites                           Introduction of web applications              Intelligent web-based functions and apps
  15. A simpler, more passive web.   An enhanced social Web.                        A semantic web exists.
  16. Web and File Servers, HTML, and Portals are technologies connected to Web 1.0.
    AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5 are examples of related technology, Web 2.0.
    Web 3.0 technologies include blockchain, artificial intelligence, and decentralized protocols.
  17. Associated Technologies:-Web 1.0 – Web and File Servers
    – Search Engines (including AltaVista and Yahoo!)
    – E-mail accounts (Yahoo!, Hotmail)
    – Peer-to-Peer File Sharing (Napster, BitTorrent) and others.

    Web 2.0 – Frameworks for Ajax and JavaScript
    Wikis and others.

    Web 3.0 – Searching Using Semantics
    Databases of Information
    Intelligent Digital Personal Assistants and others.


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